Monday, June 26, 2006

I get to hang out with a super mario character and you don't...

Another 1am post for me again as I'm waiting for my hair to dry before I go to sleep. Chinese people say you can get headaches if you sleep with your hair wet. I say you just get really bad bed hair.

So what did I do today? Play DS and hockey. My Nintendo DS lite is great, I would make love to it, but that wouldn't be right. Its very versatile: Brain Age trains your brain. Hopefully by the end of summer I'll have a higher IQ (Yah right..). I did bad today tho, apparently right after I wake up my brain age is 40. Great.

You can use it as an alarm clock. I need this, because I never get up in time for work without one.

You can raise a virtual dog. Meet Toro, my nintendog. Wonder why I won't have much of a social life. This is the reason. This dog is great, doesn't pee in my shoe, doesn't crap on the floor and, most importantly, doesn't wake me up to go for a walk at 4:00 in the morning. If I get sick of the dog, I just shut him off. But I never do. God I sound like a geek.

Toro the Nintendog

Know whats also great about the DS lite? Super Mario. This game is great. The ability to grow ginormous and crush things is fun, especially when you get 1-up mushrooms for doing it.

Speaking about Mario, I'm lucky in that I get to hang out with a Super Mario character. You know him as chain chomp, but we call him Mike. Mike likes children, so its fitting that hes in a Super Mario game. In fact, Mike likes children so much that...I'm just kidding. Hes not that obsessed with them, atleast I hope hes not. Mike: if I ever find you on that show where they bust pedophiles, I'll chain chomp you myself.

Chain chomp

Oh and Mike, things could be a lot worse trust me...atleast you didn't walk into a pole in jr high. Or land on your neck tobogganing. Or put stuff in your nose only to have it stuck there, until you blew it out. Or drink the soap paint while trying to do bubble painting in kindergarden. Or get caught eating dogs, ok the last thing didn't happen to me...yet...

Off to calls.

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