Friday, October 13, 2006

Another Bet...

Just thought I'd have a little fun before I started my nerding again, this friday night. Wow, what an awesome social life I have. Friday night with the text books. Sorry If I sound excited, unfortunatly there is no way to communicate the sarcasm that statement was suppose to have, through the internet.

Anyway, I've started cooking at home again. It's nice to cook meals and eat what you want instead of eating out every night. Too bad the groceries cost a fucking lot. I hardly notice the savings from eating at home. Oh well, on tuesday I made Tonkatsu ramen with Prata. Really Chef like eh? I even got a picture to show you.

"It's like made by an Iron Chef, if Iron chefs sucked at cooking"

I haven't shaved for almost a week now, from my bet with Dave. I've been told I look pretty sleazy and I happen to agree. If I smile and make a mean looking face, I sorta look like the devil. My damn facial hair only grows in places that make me look like a fricking muskateer. I'll take a picture later. Don't wanna do it now at school for obvious reasons.

Gugenz, Chung and I made another bet involving facial hair. In retrospect maybe I shouldn't of done it, but I only live once, and if gugenz is going to suffer with me it probably won't be that bad. But anyway, the bet is that we will grow out our chin stubble, the moustache part is trimmable, and whoever has the longest hair after a month and a half will get $40 ($20 from each loser). I figure with my hair growth, I'll be able to beat them both if I can stand not shaving for a month and a half. It's already so hard to not shave after a week. The bet is set to start at the end of the week. Needless to say, I won't be talking to any girls from Novemeber till mid-December and the only looks I'll be getting from them is the "Who is that bum" and "Eww, get away from me" looks. (T_T) S'ok, I'll still have my books on friday nights when I'm alone...(sarcasm)

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