Saturday, November 11, 2006

Boku wa Kuma!

Utada Hikaru - Boku wa Kuma

This is the sweetest Japanese song I know. Partly because I understand all of it, but its like Utada took some drugs and made some songs. The video is pretty cute and funny. The quality is bad and keeps skipping on my computer, I'll see if I can find a better version later. Listen to the lyrics!

Thursday, November 09, 2006


School Sucks, today sucked. Worked my ass off for nothing in my fucking gay ass Chem 211 lab. It's so discouraging, but I guess I gotta pick myself up. Tomorrow better be better, or I'm going to kick somebody in the nuts.

Monday, November 06, 2006


So today as I was exiting out of SUB from a nice night of studying, my consciousness had a coversation with itself. (Kinda like those pizza pop commercials)

Wing's Consciousness (WC) 1: Wing, you're a nerd.
WC2: No, I'm not.
WC1: Yes, you are.
WC2: Go to hell, no i'm not! Asshole, Shut up...
WC1: ...
WC2: I'm an uber nerd, d^^b.

Wing's Social Life Consciousness: Feed me...

Wow, yah, I'm going crazy from the books. Why did I post up something this stupid, now that I've managed to convince everybody I'm crazy, I'll lock myself up in an institute. Atleast this post beats posting up song lyrics to a song i'm listening to. Sigh...I need a social life....

Sunday, November 05, 2006

I'm NOT Eating My Grandma's Food Anymore!!

So just as I was about to go and play intramural hockey, I decided to have a quick bite to eat. I had brought some sticky rice made by my Grandma, in order to save some money from buying any food. (Rather I don't have money to buy food, damn bills!) As I'm walking with Louis to the carpark 20 minutes later, I have the sudden urge to puke. Eventually that urge took over and I just let the contents of my stomach empty by my car. Worse part is another car parked in the spot where I puked right after. Thank god he didn't see me, but he probably smelt what I left behind after. Damn. Anyways I'm gonna stay away from my Grandma's cooking and maybe detoxify the contents of my intestine.....

Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Hockey Game at Tmos House

Sorry guys, been busy studying and everything, no time to update the blog. Just wanted to say that Sloan last week was awesome. Their opening act, The Yoko Casionos, are pretty good as well. In fact, I went to go get their CD today.

Anyway, the point of posting was to show you some pictures I took with my laptop at Emo's house. We were watching the game, and as you could of figured out we weren't too happy. We were jumping for joy the next minute only to be shot down by McGeough (McGoon?) the next. Anyway, I wanna keep this short and I don't want to rant. If you wanna hearing ranting, or wanna post something, feel free to do it on

Refs, make mistakes, but NHL refs shouldn't make up those kind of calls. Anyway, I diverge too much, here are the special pictures...

Ooh, what do we have here?
Tmo looks like he just saw food before taking this picture...Parents must of told him they were going to McDonalds after the photo shoot.
You looked so cute Tmo....what happened?
Ok. Probably not a cool to call another guys baby picture cute, especially one of your friends. Oh well. Oh yes...I am an ass...hole. 22 years and haven't stopped being one...I'm just more of one recently with midterms.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

What You've All Been Waiting For...

You know what the top half looks like...
So here it is, for everybody to see. My awesome facial hair. Apparently not awesome enough to beat Dave's but we'll have a rematch in November along with Gugenz in the fray. More on that later.

I shaved it off this Monday morning before school. To tell you the truth I was quite sad. I don't know why. Maybe because it kind of grew on me. I'm not sure. Maybe it releases some sort of euphoric drug into my system. Sorry, I'm studying pharmacology. Truthfully, I looked like the dirty hobo.
By the end of December, I'll look even more like a dirty hobo. Growing out facial hair for a month and a half is going to be killer. It's gonna be even more killer being isolated from talking to any girls for that amount of time. I suppose its a good thing if I have to study for finals, a bad thing since my of my TAs are of the other sex. Oh well, atleast I'll have my textbooks to cry to. The pages don't absorb water like tissues do, but they're worth the price of 100 boxes of tissues...literally.
On December 17th I'm going to probably look like Gotou Masafumi From Ajikan (Asian Kung-Fu Generation). That should be my halloween constume... It'll be like last year when nobody really knew I dressed up as someone else.

Gotou-san from Ajikan

Friday, October 13, 2006

Another Bet...

Just thought I'd have a little fun before I started my nerding again, this friday night. Wow, what an awesome social life I have. Friday night with the text books. Sorry If I sound excited, unfortunatly there is no way to communicate the sarcasm that statement was suppose to have, through the internet.

Anyway, I've started cooking at home again. It's nice to cook meals and eat what you want instead of eating out every night. Too bad the groceries cost a fucking lot. I hardly notice the savings from eating at home. Oh well, on tuesday I made Tonkatsu ramen with Prata. Really Chef like eh? I even got a picture to show you.

"It's like made by an Iron Chef, if Iron chefs sucked at cooking"

I haven't shaved for almost a week now, from my bet with Dave. I've been told I look pretty sleazy and I happen to agree. If I smile and make a mean looking face, I sorta look like the devil. My damn facial hair only grows in places that make me look like a fricking muskateer. I'll take a picture later. Don't wanna do it now at school for obvious reasons.

Gugenz, Chung and I made another bet involving facial hair. In retrospect maybe I shouldn't of done it, but I only live once, and if gugenz is going to suffer with me it probably won't be that bad. But anyway, the bet is that we will grow out our chin stubble, the moustache part is trimmable, and whoever has the longest hair after a month and a half will get $40 ($20 from each loser). I figure with my hair growth, I'll be able to beat them both if I can stand not shaving for a month and a half. It's already so hard to not shave after a week. The bet is set to start at the end of the week. Needless to say, I won't be talking to any girls from Novemeber till mid-December and the only looks I'll be getting from them is the "Who is that bum" and "Eww, get away from me" looks. (T_T) S'ok, I'll still have my books on friday nights when I'm alone...(sarcasm)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Experiment Done...But I'm Still Busy.

Been a while since I've updated. Phew, am I tired. As usual I'm studying at school again and taking a quick study break. I've been here for about 8 hours, another hour to go, maybe a bit more depending on how long it takes me to read the lab manual and go through Japanese again.

This weekend proved to be a bit more exciting than your run-of-the-mill weekends. I went out quite a bit, but also studied just as much, if not more. On saturday, I went to go watch the Departed, having watch the original HK version of that movie the night before. Unforutunately, when we got there, the movie theatre was packed and we (by we I mean Mike, Tmo, Dave and I) decided to watch the movie another time.

Deciding to kill some time before the hockey game (which turned out some what disappointing), we shopped around WEM for 2 1/2 hours. Giving into much temptation, I forked over some money for Super Mario Bros. Season 1 Dvd set. I tried watching it at school today but couldn't stop laughing and decided to stop, rather than embaress myself.

Another interesting thing happened at WEM. Dave and I, on a betting craze, betted on which one of us would have the longest facial hair in 1 week. So if you see me with a beard its because of the bet, not because I've turned into a hobo. In other words, don't be frightened if you see me at school. He has a four day lead, but I'm still confident that my outrageous facial hair growth will beat him. We'll see...

Other interesting bet we were going to make were how many beatings I would incur if I were to walk down Whyte ave wearing a Calgary flames Jerome Inginla Jersey. Dave said less than 4 (the beatings have to be 10 minutes apart by 4 seperate people). I said I would probably take more and would only win the bet if I could take all the beatings in one night. I didn't make this bet because 1) Ganging up is counted up as 1 beating and 2) I'd have to buy the jersey myself (what if they take the jersey off me and burn it then i'd be fucked for the night).

Thats pretty much everything fun for the week, everything else was just studying and relaxation. I'll update with pictures sometime next week of my stubble beard...Back to the books.

I'm obsessed because I have no life...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Experiment Day 5 & 6

I'm never drinking hot chocolate in the morning again. It puts me to sleep for some reason. Maybe Tim Ho's puts sedatives in there, for what benefit I'm not sure. Maybe they like to watch people sleep. Creepy.

I think I've weened myself off caffine, I actually feel a little better. I don't have as much headaches when I wake up. On the bad side I've been sleeping in several of my classes and have been feeling fatigued for a while. Maybe I need to do crack cocaine. Hahah Jk, I wouldn't touch the stuff.

I'll be happy when this week is over, studying is killing me, and I'll have atleast Sam's b-day party to look forward to on Sunday. Yippie, I'm so excited. (Not. maybe.. hahha depends if Sam is reading this.) But of course, the long weekend means more studying at school and catching up. I'd estimate that I will be spending about 8 hours a day at a school. Hopefully I'll get most of my shit done.

Back to studying, since I have a Japanese Kanji test tomorrow.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Pre-Japanese Essay Freak Out

OMG I'M GONNA FAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Experiment Day 3 & 4

Going ok. Yesterday wasn't too bad, considering I felt pretty good when doing my midterm. We'll see how well I really did when I get it back. Today, I woke up after 6 hours of sleep. Baddddddd. So deciding to ween myself off coffee completely, I had a hot chocolate, which made me even sleepier. Luckily I did wrote my midterm before that, otherwise I would of fallen asleep during it and that would of been shittttty.

Speaking of shitty, I'd thought of teaching you guys a new Japanese word. (Wait, Japanese words aren't shitty, its the fact that I have to study so hard for it. ) The new word for today is Oshiri. It means butt/ass (however you want to say it). It can be used like this: Japanese is a pain in my Oshiri. Or even better, I'm going to get my Oshiri kicked by my Japanese essay. Cool eh?

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Experiment Day 2

I've been at school since 11:00 am and its currently 10:00pm (half an hour more to go for studying). My head hurts from studying like it was yesterday. Only difference is I've been studying for 9-10 hours (if you count all the goofing off and stuff). Pretty good pace I have going here. Only thing I'm kind of behind on the stuff on the goals I wanna accomplish this weekend to keep up with classes. I think a lack of caffeine with periodic naps is helping a bit. I think this regimine is helping me absorb more information. Maybe coffee overloads my system? Maybe I should just get more sleep. (On a side note, I did have Hot Chocolate, and chocolate contains theobromine, which sort of acts like caffeine, but not that potent and definitly not as potent as the stuff you get in tea). I got 7 hours last night and took a 15 minute nap around 4:00pm. Oh right, when I get tired from studying, my thoughts get all jumbled up kind of like this blog entry right now.

Back to studying and drilling the information into my head. This chair is starting to hurt my ass. I think I've been sitting here too long and the blood is starting to clot in the arteries and veins of my arse.

Friday, September 29, 2006

Experiment Day 1

Ok, just to let you guys know its not a complete formal experiment. Just something to change my habits. Studying has been going ok.. so yah. I'm getting lots of information in but then again I had two naps about 30 minutes long. Information staying in my head so, so far so good. The coming days will be more of a challenge as I have a midterm, a japanese essay and a japanese test the coming week. Looks like I'll be secluded in SUB for a while.

Speaking of SUB. I've been watching Hana Yori Dango, a tear jerking, emotional J-drama. Probably not the best thing to watch in a public place. I was watching the last episode just a couple minutes ago, taking my study break, when Louis, who is studying across from me just informed me that the fob chicks sitting behind me have been looking at my screen and laughing. They've probably drawn the 2 conclusions: A) that I'm an senstive/hopeless romantic who's emo. Or B) I'm a homo. I should of looked less interested in the drama when I was watching it. Fuck! Oh well, if they don't see my face it's all good?

Damn, Feel like a retard! Anyways should go catch my bus? Wait did I see Louis' sister? No I don't think so.


Thursday, September 28, 2006

My Study Epiphany...

I skipped my early morning coffee this morning, because I got to work late and didnt' have time to stop by the starbucks. Which means my morning was hell since I was trying not to fall asleep during work. I would pinch myself until the pain awoke me.

Anyway, I found that today from reading my pharmacology text book, that there was a study correlating heavy coffee drinkers with low grades. In otherwords, those that had minimal amounts of caffeine did better on tests than those who had a high dosage of caffeine. Then it hit me. The only thing I drank today was two bottles of Arizona Green Tea, which has a neuromodulator theophylline in it. Theophylline is nearly identical to caffeine chemically, but physiologically, it is less potent on the central nervous system. So basically, I've been having less caffeine intake than my usual dose. Additionally, today I was able to intake more information than before and seemed to be more focused on school. Does this mean that my decreased does of caffeine means I'm studying better? Is it the ginseng or the afternoon naps that facilitate my naps? (I don't think its the later, because I always take naps and they don't help but anyway...)

I've come with an experiment to test out this theory. I'm going to feed myself ginseng green tea for 2 weeks and see how my studying feels. Instead of spending $2 a pop on the arizona tea, I'm going to make my own with green tea leaves and Remember-Fx pills. I'll dissolve one Remember-FX pills into the green tea along with a suitable amount of sugar/honey. I'll drink it and continue the trend for 2 weeks. I hope I can remember to do this every night. More to come later.

Monday, September 25, 2006

Whats with the.....

...influx of students at lunch time? I got out of class at 11:50 and walked around campus for about 25 minutes despretely looking for a spot where I could sit and study. I walk from CAB to SUB then to HUB, back to Cameron Library though the business building. There was not even a single fricking vacant table. (Normally I can find a table within 2 minutes of walking into CAB -_-.)

Is it me or has there been an increase in the amount of students at lunch time every week? Have they been skipping classes for the past 3 weeks and not decided to show up until now? Are they skipping lunch classes? Where the hell are you guys coming from? GIVE ME A DAMN TABLE. I HATE YOU ALL! Sorry, I need anger management -_-.
Since classes are done for the day, I hope that my lab goes a lot smoother than my shitty ass day. Hopefully, the majority of the class won't be wanking off and causing me to get off at 5:15 again. If they do I swear somebody is gonna get beaten up and stuffed into the IR machine....

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Study Break....

Haven't updated for a while and decided it would be a good time to take a short study break and write up a much needed update.

I've done a lot of physical excerises as of late, just as a way to get into shape. I think its working. I feel like I can push myself a little more than before. The only downside now is that my back is starting to hurt like a bitch everyday. In other words, I'm turning into an old man at the ripe age of 22. Shit. Everytime I get into a car and feel the bumps of the road, a nice sore pain fires up my spinal cord. Sometimes when I sit down I get a sore back and its not till I am lying down in my bed that I don't feel the pain anymore. Physical exercises will be put on hiatus until my back feels better or I manage to get my hands on some morphine and syringes.

On a lighter note, I've just got word of a new season of Hana Yori Dango coming out sometime in 2007. I look forward to seeing Inoue Mao again in a drama. I think I found my new obsession for a while.

Chou Kawaii!

Anyways, back to pits of textbook hell.

Edit: I think when I study chemistry my english goes to shit. I've had to re-edit this post about 5 times for it to look coherent -_->

Thursday, September 14, 2006

My Exciting Story for the Week

I came to school early today, for an early morning work out. After finishing my workout and getting changed, I headed to booster juice for a quick refreshment and hopefully something that will keep my awake for my 3 hours of class. I made my order and was waiting, when Jason Smith (Yes , the Oilers captain) showed up and ordered a "Very Berry".

It took me a couple glances for me to recognize him. Well, it was more like disbelief and reaffirmation glances. I was going to talk to him, but he sorta looked intimidating. The best way to describe it was a guy who woke up really early in the morning and hadn't had his morning coffee yet. Scary!

Maybe I'll see if he goes again next week. Hahhah I'll bring a pen and his hockey card and ask for an autograph. Or atleast say something like, "Thanks for the great playoffs, Mr. Smith"

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Soccer in the Rain is not like Singing in the Rain

Studying late night at the SUB I receive a call from Chungers about House night. Unfortunately I couldn't make it because of intramurals. I was even more sorry to hear that I couldn't play the 24 board game Chungs had rented from Movie Studio. Great! I just dissed my two favorite T.V. heroes in one night. Not to mention the attrocious rain that was mentioned by Chungs, but I never realized how bad it was until I went outside. Boy did it feel like University kicked me in the nuts because no matter how bad it was raining, Intramural soccer was played rain or shine. Even if chicken little was running around "screaming the sky is falling" and the sky was actually falling, we'd still have to play.

So after an hour of freezing to death in wet clothes, and being soaked to the bone, the final results were in. We lost. But I didn't care, we have lots to improve on first. But hypothermia prevention comes first.

When I got home I took a warm shower and dressed myself up in my winter coat and blogging. It's down and real warm. I just wanna sweat a little before I sleep. My leg has been cramping up since driving Jeremy home at 11:00pm, Shizzle. I hate you sometimes rain, but it was fun! Anyway, here are some more pictures from Vancouver.

He likes chicken, he likes liver, Meow mix Meow mix please deliver!

Can you point out the one that stands out from the rest?

Monday, September 11, 2006

More Vancouver Pictures

4 Days into school, I think I've studied a total of 24 hours. Well ok, that's sorta pushing it, but I have been studying quite a bit. It's sick, but I need to keep up this pace and stay on top of things.

Seeing as school is boring (except for my LABMP course, the text books is disgusting, by the way, because it has actual pictures of human pathologies), I've decided to post up my more interesting pictures from the Vancouver roadtrip. I mean why not? Everybody wants to see us four being idiots for their amusement right? HELL YA!

As an aside, the pictures are taking so MF'ing long to share over MSN sharing folders. Its ridiculous. Mike started sending me pictures about 3 hours ago, and I have 12 pictures. (Two of which are Leslie sleeping, wierd...and scary.) I won't post all of the pictures but I'll post of the interesting ones. That is if blogger doesn't start being a bitch about a ton of pictures. Well I hope not....I <3> you too Blogger.

Insert favorite "I'll kill you" Yakuza Phrase here (Something Like shinitainokai kora!)

The punching bag was asking for it, it was dressing sexy!

After note: Blogger is being a bitch about the pictures. I'll find another way.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

My Vancouver Monoblog

School has started again (ugh..) and I'll probably be busy nerding it out in the next couple of weeks, so I figure the second day of school (today) will be the best day for writing about my roadtrip to Vancouver with friends, Mike, Perry and Les.

Wussup guys?

Calgary and Shisha (sp)
On the first day we drove down to Calgary. There we met up with some Wushu friends, had sushi, which was quite good. They had 2 different types of Tobiko (shrimp eggs, I believe): red and green. It was very unique to what we have in Edmonton. Highly recommended, if only I can remember the name of the restaurant. It'll come to me.

Shisha was the plan later that night. An we stopped by this Shisha bar around 11:30 after watching the Calgary Ji Hong Wushu demonstration rehersal. Shisha (, which I'm probably not even spelling right,) is basically inhaling pure nicotine and none of the crap you'd get with cigarettes (cyanide, formaldehyde, and other carcinogens). Usually one Shisha is good enough for 2 people, so with four of us, we ordered two (Mike didn't do shisha, it was our other friend that was doing it). Unfortuantly I made the mistake of confusing the shisha menu with a drink menu and ordered another shisha. Then our friend left so we were stuck with 3 shishas between 3 people. Boy, did I feel pretty sick when I got back to Wilson's house. Almost puked. Never again will I pick up a Shisha menu, ever... Well the Shishas in Calgary are closing down because of the bylaw which prohibts smoking inside. Damn bylaws....

Mike's incessant snoring and sleeping
One of the things I discovered while on the roadtrip is that Mike snores quite loudly. Unfortunately they aren't at a regular pace either, so its hard to get adjusted to it. Some are loud and some are barely audible. I don't think irregular snoring is a good thing. Perry said something about really loud snoring be a potential life threatener, so Mike should probably get that checked out.

But anyways the solution to this problem was to, a) sleep before mike sleeps or b) drink a hell lot of alcohol and pass out in the midst of the snoring. Seeing as the early days of the road trip involved no booze, solution a was the only valid option. The thing is, Mike falls asleep instantly at times, making it impossible to fall asleep before the guy. So, the first few days of the trip we had to kick him to wake him up and prey that we fell asleep before he started snoring again. This cycle was repeated until we could fall asleep. Although sometimes we'd wake up to it again. In that case we would just repeat. Poor Mike...

The night before we were suppose to head to Vancouver from Calgary (with a stop at a capsite near Kamloops), Les gave me a set of earplugs, which i kept through the entire trip. Being the only driver, it was important to get a good night's rest before driving 10 or so hours. I wish I kept those earplugs the entire trip, but I lost them the day after. Stupid me.

When camping, Perry had to sleep with Mike in his tent. You can imagine what happened, there were other noises too, but we'll leave it at that. I was to pair up with Les in my tent, but the fracking cars kept driving by keeping me awake, so I changed my sleeping place to my car. I asked Les if he had a good night sleep on my Air matress. The damn thing took me an hour to inflate I swear, but if not for Mike's ingenious idea to use my hair dryer all would have been lost. Apparently I under inflated the Air matress so it was unbalanced and Les had rolled towards the door and off the Air matress. Never will I use a Air matress again.

I also found out that I toss and turn quite a bit when I sleep. When Perry and I had to share a bed, apparently I turned so that i was face to face with him, with only inches between us. That was probably pretty awkward. I remember waking up and thinking, "Whoa! This is too close" and turning back the other way. Never again will I share a double bed with another, as I slept on the floor for the rest of the trip. (Well except for the last night when I took the bed to prepare for the drive back).

Vancouver Food
Damn is Vancouver sushi ever good. Its fresh and soft *drool, slurp up drool*. Anyway, two days of the 6 days we stayed in Vancouver, we stuffed ourselves full of all you can eat sushi. The first of the two was at a place called SuiShaYa (literally Water Car Store). Its probably equivalent to the Mikado in Edmonton, but All-you-can-eat for $24.95 makes it much cheaper. We stuffed ourselves pretty full that night, to the point of me getting blurred vision. Never had that before. What made it worse was the seafood in mayonaise and cheese sauce stuffed in an oyster shell. That shit was sickingly good but made you full like a mofo.

The second place we ate All-you-can-eat Sushi was at Shabusen. It also included All-you-can-eat Korean BBQ. We pigged out there and barely managed to eat everything we ordered there, as well. It left us with a full feeling, that was not a great as at Suishaya, but that was probably because we were used to stuffing ourselves at this point.

Another place I liked to eat at was Honalulu Cafe. It was cheap and fast, sorta equivalent to our Sam Wok here, except with better dishes and cleaner environment. All I ordered there was instant noodles with fried pork cutlet, luncheon meat in Tonkotsu soup base. Instant noodles never tasted so good, I swear.

Vancouver Night Life
After enjoying the night life in Vancouver, I find Edmonton even more boring than before. Well atleast my friends are here.

We went to a few clubs in the downtown area. Stone Temple, the first club we went to, was pretty hurting. Maybe because we got there at 1:00 am. But even so, the next club we went to right after Stone Temple, was The Cellar. It was pretty packed in there and they didn't play your typical club music. It was rock music. They had a house band which played stuff like the White Stripes and Foo Fighters Covers. It was awesome, apparently O'Byerns on Whyte Ave is like that too, so I'll have to check that out later.

The last club we went to was on the last day of our trip (a seperate day from the first two). It was called the Tokyo Lounge and it was packed with Asian people, mostly of Japanese and Korean decent. The dance floor was packed with crazy good dancers, making getting onto the dance floor even more intimidating that it already is. Everybody was popping and hip-hop dancing on the dance floor. I'm glad I didn't even try to dance. Mike and Les tried, only to have people clear out around them, creating what I like to call "The Void". Well props to them for trying, I didn't even stand up except to go to the washroom. There were a few girls there that sorta caught my eye, but I ended up leaving early to get some sleep for the long drive back, which I navigated by myself. Usually I'm pretty bad with directions and need people to direct me throught the streets of Vancouver. But I suppose after driving there for a week, you can get a pretty good feel of where you are going. The rest of the boys stayed behind to watch the hip-hop dance performance, which apparently only lasted 5 minutes.

Probably the most fun I've had the entire summer was in this one week road trip. Vancouver is so much cooler, and the fact that it has Daiso, which I spent $50 at, makes it so much cooler. I'd love to live in Vancouver, but not even the lottery will win me that dream -_-'.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

My Big Accomplishment Of The Day

I went bowling, got a strike, with my left hand while talking on the phone with Louis Lai. That was awesome, and as such, will never happen to me ever again. Dammit!

I haven't blogged for a while because of my road trip, but I'll hopefully be updating this blog with an entry about the road trip. It was great fun and nice to chill with some of the guys for a week in a different city.

Anyways, bed time. I need to fix my schedule.

Friday, August 25, 2006

To My Office

Dear Office,

I'm sorry, but I must leave you now. It has been a great 3 weeks with you and I will always treasure the memories that we had together. However, it is time for you experience your new life with your new resident (who is a very nice lady by the way), and for me to move on(to school for the next 10 months). It will be a very sad departure on the day of my road trip.

I will miss your "L" Desk that takes up 50% of the room, but provides a very spacious environment in which to put my documents. I will miss all the neat acessories on the "L" Desk and the filing cabinets, that I never used but look good with my office. I will miss your retractable and adjustable keyboard desk that gives my office that elegence. I will miss your cleanliness, which is much cleaner than my home room could ever possibly be. I will miss your Pentium D, duo processor, fast and good looking computer, giving me hours of enjoyable and efficient web surfing where there was no work to be done. Most of all, I will miss the warm of your 20" (or so) Dell computer screen that provided me with the perfect atmosphere for slackoff napping.

I forever treasure our 3 weeks together, even though it was a short time, it made work much more fun. I'll think about you on the road trip. Maybe...

Thursday, August 24, 2006


My mom found her car. She'll tell me the story later. But I'll still kick the asses of the people who stole Kings' car.

What's Going to Happen To You Fucking Car Jackers

It's been a while since I posted, so I thought I'd post just for the sake of saying I posted something. Boy am I pissed, and this blog will be a ranting/blowing off steam blog, where I flame things that has pissed me off this past week.

You fucking car jackers, your day will come, I know it and so do you. First you steal my Kings' Honda that he worked and invested so much in, then you steal my Mom's Acura, this morning. I hope the cops catch you, throw you in prison, and you become the bitch of a inmate, who name is something along the lines of "Bubba". Better yet, I hope find you first. I'll think of some ironic justice, such as bolting a fucking car seat to your back and have you carry me around on your all fours, while you make car rumbling noises. And if neither of the two get you, Karma will smite you down, somehow and somewhere. I just hope I get to see it.

How about instead of stealing cars, you actually get a job? You could become a circus freak who eats fecees for a living, if all else fails. Fuckers, Fuck you.

I wasn't going to say anything about this, but since I'm preally ticked off right now, I might as well keep going. To the Native bitch who cut me off a few days ago. Fuck you bitch, tell you husband to stop slurring his words, just because he drank too much industrial cleaner or is just plain retarded. Tell him that anything with four wheels is not called a "boat". By the way, if your actually reading this blog you whore, good work in obtaining the brain power to work a fucking computer. Wonder how long it took you to figure out that your computer was more than a heavy metallic box with holes in different places. Next time you see me, actually pull up beside me in traffic and then start talking to me, clearly, instead of being a chicken shit.

I feel a bit better now, but not much. I'll be starting my road trip to Vancouver with my buddies tomorrow.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Sylvan Lake

So we (and by we I mean Crystal's crew and 4 of my friends) went to Sylvan Lake. It was pretty fun, I didn't know very many people. Unfortunatly I didn't really take the chance to go and just meet people, as I was dead tired from playing Scene it and DS till 3:00 in the morning from the previous day, leaving me with only 5 hours a sleep. Wow what a run on sentence.

The day started off with shopping for swim trunks, since I happened to leave my at the University lockers, which I should of cleaned out 4 months ago. I wonder if my stuff is still there. We then went to safeway, for food, and starbucks, for the much needed jolt of caffine . It was then off to Mcdonalds for breakfast.

Due to Francis' insane driving at an average of about 150 kph (We did hit 190 kph), we arrived at Sylvan Lake an hour after leaving Edmonton. We met up with the others at the beach. Les and Phil would join us about 45 minutes later. When the coffee finally kicked in, I forced myself to get up and perform physical activities, specifically frisbee.

Omg...we're gonna die!

We later got around to playing beach volleyball, where I got hit in the face with the ball. Of course, this didn't make me happy and Crystal, who happened to set up the token White guy's volleyball , promptly appologized. Such appologies didn't really make up for getting hit in the face, so just for fun I threw the ball at her ass and Phil helped me soak her from head to toe. That was good payback.

A giant storm was brewing around 4:00 so we headed back to Edmonton dead tired. We met at Crystal's house and not being able to decide on something to do, we headed home where we showered (after which I felt like crashing in my bed). I picked up Mike and we met up with Phil and Les at OJ's for a quick bite. Andrew came along shortly thereafter. Here I drank another two cups of coffee.

After OJ's and a few hours diliberating on what to do in the OJ parking lot and then Les' house, we decided on Karaoke. (Other people had joined us up at Les' house, so it wasn't just a sausage-fest for karoke.) 99th was packed and had no room for us so we went to Laser. It was pretty fun, and I sang my first Japanese and Chinese "k-ok" songs.

Hopefully today I'll get to play some crazy mech game with Chung. He has the joysticks and pedals that come with the game and it makes for one crazy ass setup. Sounds like shitloads of fun.

Oh here's a picture of my new office by the way. I'm only there for a month but I'll enjoy it as much as possible.

My Awesome Computer (The screen is like a 20'...I swear)

Friday, August 11, 2006

I Learned a New Japanese Word Today

It's "Shotakon". Its a noun "used to describe an adult who are obsessed with young boys". In otherwords, Mike is a Shotakon. HAHAHA.

Lately, I've been hanging out with my friends quite a bit, so I haven't had much time to update the blog. Its been fun, and this saturday we're planning to head to Sylvan lake for a day. Not to swim or go on waterslides, but to just have a barbeque and just chill. Not a bad idea since I'm sick of Edmonton.

They've moved me to a new office at work, during the past week. It's pretty spacious and big. It also includes a new desk, computer, phone and now a new filing cabinet. Not like I'll use it. Too bad I'll have to move out in a month. I'll miss the seclusion from isolation from the "hussle and bussle" of normal offices.

Pictures of my office to come...

Monday, August 07, 2006

My Liver Is Probably Extremely Damaged...

Wow its been 5 days since my last blog post. I've really slacked off on my blog update, with good reason of course. The last months of summer have really proven to be an eventful one, so I guess updating the blog has now taken a backseat to my (hopefully, growing) social life. No girls yet though, but it'll come when its ready.

Anyway, I'm not gonna recollect everything thats been going on but I will tell you yesterday was a doozy.

It started with me waking up from the previous nights clubbing for Aileen's bday party. It wasn't as good as I thought it would be, but it was something to do on that Saturday night (and my only option). I went with Francis to Hertiage days were we ate food, watched demonstrations by Perry the Fairy and Bogus. We met up with Vince, Phil, Miracle and Vicky, but feeling tired, me and Francis left shortly thereafter.

Next up on the iterary was to pick up Les from the Airport. I first picked up Francis so that he wouldn't have to drive to his own birthday that night, then we went straight to the airport. While waiting for Les' flight to come in, we ate at the Jasper Restaurant. I had pork ribs, which I believe were the version of Tony Romas Baby back ribs. It wasn't attrocious, but it was pretty bad as they had burnt the shit out of the some of the ribs. It was still edible. I didn't want to bitch at the waitress since it seemed like she was having a really bad day. How did I know? Walking into the restaurant while shes bitching is a sure sign, but I sympathize since I used to work in the service sector.

After picking up Les' we headed to Sobeys so he could buy groceries. Tmo met up with us there and we headed to Les' house so that they could eat. He also gave me my two pairs of Evisu jeans, which I like very much and still owe him for. Just a note, if anyone is picking up Les in the future, give this guy 1 hour before you pick him up, because I swear its how long he takes. Dammit Les hurry up, hahah just jokes man.

It was a quick rendezvous with the crew we headed to Rum, which will from now on be refered to as my coffin, because I swear I nearly died from alcohol consumption there. The night started a little slow and my reluctance to get on the dance floor didn't help. However, things livened up as we people started showing. I saw my cousin and his friend (lurching around like cougars ready to jump on any chick they deemed hot), and a few other friends.. (Cindy? I really don't remember right now, I'm sorry).

We bought Andrew and Francis shitloads of drinks for their birthday, and they were tanked before 11:30. Andrew, I think, left early because he was so fucked up, atleast I didn't see him from midnight onwards. But of course theres the old saying: "What goes around comes around".

I was getting my fair share of alcohol. I counted 2 shots of straight 151, 1 shot of blue poison (50% bombay blue, 50% 151) 2 tequilas, 1 jager shot, 1 alize shot and probably some other shots that I don't remember as well as continuous oral injection of beer. Emo, I'll get you back you bitch, and I'll make you tell me what you were told me you were gonna tell me but won't because your a girl. Anyways, I probably lost all common sense and orientation at around 1:00 or so. I don't really remember much of it as I was really crunked. It's probably best if you read Emo's blog, his account of the event is much more accurate than mine. Apparently I puked on the dancefloor. Sweet, first time for everything haha. As I said to Chris, it was a good thing I didn't have a girlfriend, because she'd just call me a retard and kick me in the nuts.

I don't have much recollection of going back to Les' house. I just remember lying in his washroom for a nice long time, probably lying in some sort of liquid (probably the result of me dry heaving). I also remember hugging the toilet like it was my best friend and telling myself I was probably going to die soon and that the dizziness would stop when I did. Other than that, thats all I remember. I don't even remember crashing on a bed. Wait maybe I remember Les' saying something about the buckwheat pillow I slept on.

Getting that drunk means that waking up this morning was a bitch. Worst of all I still had my right contact in my eye, which didn't feel too good. I was pretty disoriented when I woke up and had lost half my belongings in Les' house, which I found. I had a wierd dream about finding vintage Oilers jerseys, but waking up made that dream worse.

I sat around Les' house, got some fluids and watched a bit of some chinese drama before heading out to help my dad move some furniture in prepartions for renovations. I also helped him move, by car, his bags of grass to a garbage bin, located at my aunts work. Why move it that far? I don't know. Let me tell you, hard labor does not make for a good feeling when experiencing a hang over. Tylenol helps, but doesn't block the shit feeling I get from a night of insane alcohol consumption.

I was treated to Pagolac, on the southside, which i wolfed down surprisingly well. It was to southgate afterward to hem my new jeans. I stayed at home and had a little cat nap which helped a bit. I think I'm still feeling the effects of the alcohol though. My alcohol breakdown enzymes don't work fast enough :( .

So the rest of the day, I've been working on my laptop, upgrading Norton, which took me 3 hours because the fucking program is flawed. Requiring lots of investigative work, shitloads of waiting for the program to uninstall, reinstall and update. On a better note, the networking between my laptop and computer started working today, miraculously. The Network Set-up Wizard says you need the Win XP CD, but apparently you just need it in your possesion and you don't need it in your computers (sarcasm). Fuck, I hate computers sometimes.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

It's Been An Eventful Few Days...

Things sure have been different in my life lately. Rather than being the boring old me who played tons of DS and computer games, I've actually gone out. The past weekend was nice, just chilling with friends playing board games, watching TV, chilling out and, I have to admit, just a bit of DS.

Hockey on sunday was nice change since our team preformed (Even though I was very frustrated about our wednesday game). I was happy we played so well despite a 7-6 loss. We'll see how well everything goes for our upcoming playoff games.

Yesterday, I went to go see Miami Vice with Gugenz, Aileen and Sam. The movie wasn't all to great, as the plot was confused because of the actors' failure to express it well. The action was pretty good, gory, but nevertheless good. Anyways, I got to hang out with friends, which basically was the whole point of it.

Today, I encountered two friends I haven't seen in a while. I saw Wendy at SUB and we reminsced about old times, caught up, whatever and the such. Basically it was me defering her from her studies but enjoyable. Later at night, in Lulu's restaurant I talked to Gren, who I haven't seen in a long time. We caught up as well. Meeting these two, even though it was on seperate occasions lead to me thinking tonight. It seems we've grown so much over the past few years and learned a lot more things. Even though some of us don't know what to do in our lives, we sorta have a plan or are willing to let the wind guide us, so to speak. I guess I've been thinking a lot about what I'm gonna do with my life after meeting up with these guys. Like, when am I gonna marry and what kind of girl am I looking for? What's my career going to be? (Am I destined to be a career student?) etc etc. All these are big questions I probably should of asked myself in high school (and I should of took them more seriously). But, honestly, who knows, you may have everything in life planned out, but things change. I'm being to introspective maybe and worrying too much. I'll just be one of those guys who goes with the flow (but not so much that i'm disorganized, hopefully :D).

But anyway, I had dinner with my parents at Brewster's of all places. I didn't know they into 25 cent wings night. We ordered about 60 wings and had a sandwich.

After dinner, I met up with Mike and Francis at Southgate. After buy some old school shoes and walking around, we headed to WEM to be arcade rats and wait for the gathering at Louis' Restaurant (where I met Gren).

In retrospect, I think this summer has taught me a lot of stuff about life in general. I think it's also changed my outlook of life a bit. It was educational and fun. I've learned that you can't believe what you hear about someone until you've met them and judged them for yourself. Well maybe judging people isn't the right thing to do, I should say don't come to premature conclusions about someone. There's usually two sides to a story and usually, you only hear one.

Life is also too short to hold grudges, but that doesn't mean you don't stick up for yourself (or your friends for that matter). Sure I probably have people I don't like, but hey I'm not gonna let them ruin my life (Fuck them, they're not worth it).

I think I've also learned a bit about going out and having fun. Just going out meeting new people rather than be shy and say nothing at all. It's also important that you keep in touch with old friends, whether it be through msn or what not.

Anyway, its getting late, I'm starting to sound like a broken record of life cliché and that Baz Lhurman song. But truthfully, I think I've grown up so much over the past few months. Maybe its the more independent living, I'm not sure what it is, but I like it.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Second Blog of the Day: What I did today.

So here's another blog, after I've already written one today. The one previous was an update of what happened on the weekend, this one is for today.

When I parked in the morning I left my sun roof tilted to let the hot air out, that accumilates throughout the day as my car is continously exposed to sunlight. Turns out this wasn't a good idea because, As you've probably realized at some point in the day (if you live in Edmonton), that there were heavy showers this afternoon. It means that a part of my insides got wet with rain. Although it wasn't anything major, it was a bit of a hassle.

To make things worse, I had the stupid idea of sliding the sun roof fully open with a roof full of rain. Bet you can guess what happened when I breaked hard. Fuck. Sometimes I swear I'm not thinking and that my head is not even connected to my body.

I filled up gas at domo, at 114.9, which is outrageous even with a 7 cents off/L coupon. I should of shopped around more, however, I had little gas left in the tank after yesterdays drive home and today's commute to work. In other words, I was desprate. I think I need to start watching the news for some sign that gas is going to rise or fall.

Chungers, Gugenz and Sam came over today to my apartment where we just chilled in the entertainment room, playing DS like nerds. Know what the great thing is? We got a girl addicted to DS, which means that other girls could possibly get addicted to DS. Awesome. I just hope my future girl friend will play video games (even if its to a minor extent), things will be more fun that way.

I've kept my throne as New Super Mario Bros. Minigame King. I've won countless matches in a row. Bwahahah, I'll take on any challengers, its damn fun!

I got to try out Wario Ware for the DS, as Gugenz had bought it some time today. It's fun as well.

Following DS, we watched 2 hours of season 2 House M.D. mixed with a bit of pool. I have to admit, after watching reruns I want to watch seasons 1 and 2 all over again and relive all the drama and the moments. Maybe I'll have a House myself (*sniff*). At the very least, I need to watch the end of Season 2. I missed it due to school. Maybe I'll get the Dvd set when it comes out. Whenever that is. I'm looking forward to that.

Time to check your prostate

An Eventful Weekend (A Rare Occurance)

Its been a pretty evenful weekend. The pace is pretty fast and it's still keeping up as the work week begins anew. So heres what happened this weekend:

Friday, July 21st
Fun times. I got off work a little earlier than usual, since it was dead and no one was in the office except for me. I met Mike (BCM) just outside of my office in CSB and we headed over to the Health Sciences Center for a LRT trip to the downtown core. There, we walked and shopped (,although nothing was bought,) around for a few hours waiting for Tmo. On the way, we played a bit of arcades at the movie theatre.

In haste, I forgot to zip up the compartment on my bag that held my cell phone and it dropped out and was lost to me for the rest of day and half of Saturday. Needless to say, it was quite a inconvenience without it and hassle trying to get it back.

When Tmo (finally) called, we headed to a local French restaurant by the name of Bistro Praha. The food was awesome and exquisite. I basically had a 3 course meal (though the food was so delicious I felt I could of had 4 or 5): A salad (with just the right amount of cheese sprinkled in), Lamb Chops with Pan fried potatoes and vegetables (boiled with butter and water I might add) and to top it off a Kiwi and Orange Liqueur Crape. The service matched the taste of the food and all this for 30 something dollars was quite a steal (I had a Stella Artois beer as well).

Around 9:30 or so, we headed over to Louis' restaurant for a night of DS...I mean, Poker. It was nerdy but fun nevertheless. I decided to head home around 1:30, to get some shut eye and wake up early and fresh to go volunteer for Kingsley at the Grand Prix.

Saturday, July 22nd
I woke up at 8:15 and proceeded to get dressed and picked up Joho in the west side, then swung back east to pick up BCM and another Mike. We went to Timmy Ho’s for breakfast and then headed to the municipal aiport, where the Grand prix was held.

Finding parking at the Grand Prix was an adventure in itself. It took us about 20 minutes of wandering and reckless driving to find the damn place. It didn’t help that this day was so fucking hot (I think it hit a high of about 37 degrees Celsius at 8:00pm according to my car's temperature gauge, but those things can be off by a degree or so). All I can say is thank god my car has A/C, otherwise my head would’ve blown up.

After parking we walked 20 minutes out in the blazing heat to the Invisions Auto Main site. It’s amazing how much energy the heat can drain out of you, so we had a little sit-down at the main tent and eventually Mike (BCM) and I got sent to the smaller Invisions site.

The problem with the smaller site was that it was setup like a full tent, with a roof and walls made of plastic tarp. No wind flow and radiating heat basically meant that it was a giant plastic oven in which to roast in. I could cook hot dogs in that tent and sell slightly less than other vendors were selling their hot dogs (usually about 5 dollars, 6 if you wanted a fracking smokie from Fat Franks). It was that hot. However, it did make for a great conversation with potential magazine and lanyard buyers.

Just like K-days, or CapitalEx I should say (or Sex if you wanna refer to it in a cool way), the food prices were outrageous. Aside from the formentioned, Lemonade (not really, since it was just lemon and water) sold for 5 dollars. Sure the cups looked big, but it didn’t really help when 90% of it was ice, I’m never buying “lemonade” from Lemon Heaven again.

The best deal for food was probably the kettle cooked popcorn, although it wasn’t so much of a deal as it was just plain tasty. This stuff was sweet yet salty at the same time and very addictive. They gave away free samples, and once I tried a handful from a bag that our co-volunteer bought, I was hooked. I bought myself a medium sized bag for $4.00 and began munching away. Those free samples were the advertsing power of that booth and, boy, it work.

During Mid-day we met up with the boys again and went for a stroll around the grounds. Sadly, I saw very few hot girls (even during the whole show). Joho however, managed to get his mack on with his Umbrella and “Would you like some shade” ploy. Good tactic and he was in a prime location at the main site (EZ motorsports girls hang out there -_- ).

At 6:00 we packed it all in. In the end I felt that the main site was the better location to be in. It was cooler, had more cars and girls than the smaller site ever saw throughout the course of the day. However, it lacked the entertainment of Dallas, one of our cohorts, who was constantly doing funny things and provoking cops. I suppose, that in itself was time well spent.

We went back to Edmonton Centre to pick up my lost phone (Thank you manager of the movie theater). It was a hassle without the phone since nobody could ask me when I was coming to pick them up at the start of the day.

That night’s plans involved going to Rum with BCM, so I dropped off the east side boys and waited at BCM’s house for him to shower and change. We then went to my house for a shower and change of clothes. Wasabi was the restaurant of choice that night with me ordering the Chirashi (It’s just assorted sashimi on rice). I tried takoyaki, which was a unique and gratifying experience.

After we met up with Gugenz, Louis and Hiromi at OJ’s downtown. Damn is that spot hard to find, or maybe I just didn’t have luck finding things with my car that night (My direction sense sucks, oh well, its fun driving around and getting lost sometimes).

Going to Rum, I met with a couple friends that I haven’t talked to in a while. I really should talk to these people, other than I’m just a lazy/shy bum who can’t message people on MSN -_-. I’ll change that I promise…well…ok I will. I’ll try to be more interesting too. At times, I feel like I’m boring people to death. After chatting, a few hugs with my friends (yay, girl contact) and sitting by myself, feeling like I got hit by the tired train, I left for home with Mike, but not before hitting the casino for a quick bathroom break and gamble at the slots (which I told I won 3.50 after I put in 2 dollars, but lost it in the end). I have no fracking idea how slots where sometimes.

I went to bed in preparations for next day’s volunteer work.

Sunday July 23rd
Woke up a little later than the day before, all thanks to Kingsley who went to pick up Joho so I wouldn’t have to. I picked up Mike and Mike and we went to McDonalds for breakfast and Esso for a 1.5 L Jug of water. The breakfast was the most gratifying meal I’ve ever had on the road.

Got to the grounds around the same time the day before and took the same 20 minute walk. Only this time, the weather was cooler since there was more of a breeze.

Again BCM and I camped ourselves in the little tent. Learning from past experience we opened up the back of the tent to let the nice breeze come through. This cooled down the tent better than we expected and the heat was more bearable than yesterday. With the shade from the sun and a breeze through our tent, this made the smaller site the place to be. Sure the main site had girls, but ours was optimal.

Tried to watch drifting that day, but couldn’t really see much, as we weren’t allowed on the grandstands. Atleast we got to see the drift cars as they pulled out of the track. I’ll have to get the pictures from Mike and post it up on the blog.

Again we bought popcorn and munched down. Yum!

All in all, this day seemed to end quicker than the previous day. When we were packing up everything at the conclusion of the event, (which took forever; I had to sit and wait for 1 hour, but atleast I wasn’t doing anything except playing tetris on my DS,) we were offered free hot dogs from Fat Franks (the guy had cooked too much, but I’m not complaining). This made my day.

I took a Rotora lanyard as my reward for 15 hours of volunteering. I also got 3 sunburns on my shoulders and neck. Apparently to Kiyoshi my sunburns make it look so that the rest of my body is wearing some sort of funky shirt. Cool...but painful.

We took the long 20 minute walk back to my car and I dropped off Mike and Mike. I got home at 7:00pm took a shower and crashed on my bed exhausted like the previous day. However the day was not over yet.

Team Tsunami’s hockey game started at 9:30 and I planned on being there an hour before. However, my intended nap extended till 8:30. I quickly rushed out of bed (after contemplating going to hockey or not), and sped down to Clairview Arena (30 minutes away from my house).

The hockey game turned into a scrimmage when the opposing team’s goalie didn’t show up and they were forced to forfit the game. Simply put, it means that I didn’t even have to show up, however, I was glad to play hockey against my team (the opposing team needed a few players, I volunteered). It was insightful to get to learn about the inner workings of a rival team.

I drove BCM home again (he had gotten a ride off Hiromi), and went home and crashed in my bed again.

It was a really tiring weekend and I’m sort of disappointed that I didn’t get to party as much as I wanted to. I’m also disappointed in not meeting hot girls, but that’s the way life goes sometimes (most of the time if your shy like me -_-).

Monday, July 24th
Back to work (yay… -_-). For lunch I bought chicken wings at Mac’s again for the tenth time in 2 weeks (bad…). I’ll probably go there today too.

After work, I met up with Hiromi and Mike and we walked Whyte ave. I, also, got my skates sharpened so that I’ll be ready for the Tomorrow’s game against the Wing Nuts.

We went to Sexposition (CapitalEx) after a meal at OJ Riverbend (BTW they closed 23rd Avenue, do not take that route). It was pretty fun. I saw my cousin and found out he was soon to be a father. I congratulated him and saw that he was pregnant too (not really, he just has a big stomach which I teased him about0. We played Bingo for half an hour and I scored a teddy penguin by breaking 2 plates with 2 balls. Gugenz went crazy on the gambling, but eventually I had to be the party pooper and get people to leave the sexposition so that they could drive me to Hiromi’s house (where I parked my car).

I find that it’s the same shit every year. Maybe I’ll go back to the sEx or probably I won’t. I didn’t find it too exciting. Maybe I need to buy a ride pass.

Wow, this entry has been 4 pages long (in Microsoft Word). All written at work while I’m waiting for faculty to reply to my emails. Great fun..great time killer. Hopefully I’ll update with pictures soon.

By the way, Nelly Furtado is awesome. She got some great songs on her new CD.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Too Tired to Blog...

I'll update this weekend's events on sunday or monday....

Friday, July 21, 2006

3 Hours of Hockey is Equivalent to Supercalifradulisticexpialidocous

On wednesday, I went to go get my car fixed so I left work a little earlier than usual. With the approval of my coworkers. Interestingly, a Japanese girl came to talk to me as I was walking to my car(I was wearing my Japan jersey). She asked me if I was Japanese, which I disappointingly said no. (Not that I don't like my heritage, it's just that being chinese is embaressing sometimes.) We proceeded to have a short conversation as we waited to cross the streets. I found out that she was from Tokyo and going to school in Edinbrough. Which lead me to conclude two facts about the world. Internationalism has a pretty big effect on the worlds inhabitants, leading to more interesting people with a diverse amount of experiences apart from their own culture. Sorry to turn that into social studies class...

After getting a regular oil change, I met Dave at Red Robins. Before leaving, we decided to play a round of arcades housed in Red Robbins. It was total nostalgia of my days hanging out at the arcade.

We proceeded to head to Mike's house for a night of nerdism. The details will not be mentioned as the night proved a little too nerdy.

Yesterday, our hockey team had a game against the weakest team in our division. Being sick of getting scored on I decided to play defense. Guess what the result was? We won! 9-3 or something like that. I'm not gloating about me being on defense was the reason for our win, its a combination of everything. Yet still, I feel that we are still not good enough to compete with the top place team in our division. As Echizen Ryouma would say, "mada mada da ne".

The next team came on after our game ended and asked some of us whether we wanted to play for them. A few of my teammates and I happily agreed, thus giving us two times the ice time we would normally get. It was awesome but very draining.

After our two games we headed down to Applebees. It was my first time there, but the atmosphere and food were good. Aside, from the t.v. showing boobies at 10:00 pm. (Surprisingly the t.v. was on the citytv channel). Luckily there were no kids there I guess.

I arrived home, dead tired. Hockey really drains you after you play 2 games in a row. I took a shower and played Animal Crossing. Dave, if your reading this don't worry, I've left you plenty of oranges, I only dug up my GOLDEN SHOVEL.

Which got me to thinking, my life would be so much more interesting if it were exactly like Animal Crossing. My blogs would go something Like this:

"So today I woke up, and sold my fishes and bugs that I had caught the previous day. Tom Nook gave me $3,000 for it (I think hes a fucking cheapskate). I took my money over to the bank and used some of it to pay off the rest of my morgage. Tom Nook says he'll upgrade my house after my house. I hope he does that soon, my house is too cramped right now.

I decided to chop down a few trees for fun. Turns out the trees had a bees nest, and they stung me a couple times. Quite painful and I look horrid. Bluebear and Kiki came to talk to me about my face (they commented that it was quite swollen), and then proceeded to talk to each other about Kiki's friend moppina, who is essentially, a mop. Kiki is crazy bitch, but I kept this comment to myself.

I went over to Dave's Town, Crunkton, and stole a few peaches from him. I then proceeded to decorate his house with flowers so it would look all girly. I posted random messages on his town board and trapped him in one spot by digging holes around him. I then looted all the furniture from his house and returned to my home town and closed the gates so that he couldn't follow me.

It was a good day!"

Ok...I better stop. This is getting to the point where I'm becoming obsessed. The DS has consumed my life. Help don't....

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

All I Want Is To Be Able To Share Files Between My Computers


Much Better. Ok...not really.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

The Day of Over-showering

Nice weather we had today. After 7 hours of sleep I woke up (due to my biological clock). If I can't get anymore sleep than 7 hours in the future, I'm screwed. I almost fell asleep today playing Animal Crossing. But anyway, after lounging around and failing to fall back asleep, I decided to call my friend to play tennis at the Saville sports centre. We played till 2:00 and I proceeded to head home. Finding myself very sweaty and sticky, I showered.

Around 8:45 Korean Mike decides to call me and asks me to play Football (Soccer). Seeing as I had nothing to do (due to Emo being a lazy ass), I happily obliged. In attendence was Korean Mike, his sister (who was actually a ball girl), his dad, Sean and Andy. Andy I haven't seen forever, but it was nice to talk. After 1 hour of physically draining soccer, I came home sweaty and had to take another shower.

If you sum it up I've taken two showers today -_-. One more than my usual one shower. Not that I'm complaining, but two showers a day two me is way too much. Not only does it dry the skin, its a large waste of water. Ok I'll stop bitching and sounding like a PMS girl. I just hate taking more than one shower a day. But I guess for the activities, it was worth it.

Other notable experiences today:

1) I got to use this new "Off!" spray during soccer. The stuff smells like oranges. Heck, it actually smells better than cologne. I think I might buy a can and use it as cologne. It will have the dual purpose of attracting girls and keeping mosquitoes away. Now thats an idea!

2) Won my first bid on eBay today. Bought a set of Bose headphones. They're nice and a lot cheaper than if I were to buy them at the Bose store.

3) Made over 20,000 Bells in Animal Crossing today, just by catching fish and insects. Tomorrow is the big bug catching contest and I intend to own. Shit. I'm such a nerd.

Tomorrow I have a hockey practice. I'm really looking forward to getting back on the ice again after Thursday's miserable loss. I don't think I can get hockey out of my blood. I'll miss it when I go to Tokyo -_-.

He shoots. He Scores?

A Random House-ism and My Eventful Friday

Random House-ism

"Hey I can be a jerk to I haven't slept with. I'm that good." -House (Humpty Dumpty)

Eventful Friday

Well, got off work and went shopping with Mike. Had a good dinner consisting of Fat Frank's (which managed to squirt all over my pants, I think it got excited when I sank my teeth into it). Mike managed to buy the bag he has been seeking for a while. Me on the other hand was tempted by many deals, but resisted. I think I've spent enough money for now. I think I should just enjoy what I have. Well...maybe I'll just buy those Sexy Bose headphones off eBay and call it for a good month.

After shopping on both Whyte Avenue and WEM, we headed over to James' house for a nice romp of poker. I ended up losing (I rarely win anyway), but nevertheless it was fun and cheap entertainment. A few hours of DS ensued right after. Yay to nerds.

I predict that my life will be consumed by Nintendo's portable "devil machine". Its just too damn addicting, especially Animal Crossing: Wide World, which will make me ignore everthing around me should I be playing it. With the DS it looks like I won't be getting a girlfriend anytime soon. But then again, I don't really need that right now. Sure it might be fun to get kisses, but, personally, with the amount of time investment that is required, the payoff is not that great.

I see teenage couples get into fights at WEM and, in my opinion, its looks retarded. I just shake my head because I've been there, and it doesn't seem worth it. But anyway, the time will come when its ready, I'm in no rush. Just chillax, and watch the breeze go by. Maybe I'm trying to reassure myself that I don't need a girlfriend, or maybe I'm telling the honest truth. Who knows? (I do.)

Should sleep early tonight. I got a big day of Animal Crossing ahead of me. Geek Power!

Friday, July 14, 2006

(Short) Updates From the Past Few Days

Edit: Oops..did I say June? I'm on crack. I was drunk when I wrote this '-_-> . All has been edited and we can now go on with our happy lives.

Tuesday, July 11th, 2006:
Pretty much had a date with Kingsley and Perry (Shopping, Dinner and a movie). It should be noted that Perry was the third wheel, since I was out with Kingsley first. But it was a welcome third wheel. We ate at The King and I (which is awesome by the way) and watched God of Cookery by Stephen Chow. Thats a damn good movie. Gotta love the Bronze Monks of Shaolin.

The result of chair beatings and showy kung fu moves.

Wednesday, July 16th, 2006:
Once again hung out with the boys (Perry and Kings), after a shitty ass hockey game. Boy it sucked and boy was I ever pissed off. Played "Scene It" Music edition, great fun. Perry and I relied on Buzz cards to get us through the board since we didn't know jack about music -_-' . We reached the last space first, but never had enough knowledge to answer a question to get us the win. Fun though.

Thursday, July 17th, 2006:
I'm quite concerned about the status of one of my bosses at work. Shes on a indefinate leave of absense since Tuesday. I was hoping it was a small thing but she hasn't come back since and I'm getting more and more worried, since she was like a mother hen to me. Hope shes doing fine. Hung out with the boys during out coffee break. This was to be the last time we'd see Kings till Monday, since he has a car show in Winnipeg. (I hate you Kingsley!) But it was a good time killer, and made work go much more quicker.

Headed over two Dion's house for an hour of Jackass the show and then headed over to Vince's house for a short stay at an awesome party. Drinking games and beatmania will make any party great.

Another noteable event I'd like to end this blog entry with is the fact that I scared the prettiest looking girl in my apartment today. I had no idea she even existed, when on my way out to Dion's I encountered and scared her (unintently, of course) as she was coming out of the elevator. Awesome! What a way to make a first impression. It's actually nice to know that I have atleast one pretty girl in the apartment, instead of it being full of old (but nice) elderly folk. That totally made my day. Thank you!

And since I haven't done this in a while here is Kate Beckinsale:


Monday, July 10, 2006

Random Ramblings of the Past Two Days

On Sunday, went to watch the World Cup at Child Molest-, I mean Mike's House. Although I was disappointed in the result, the match was very exciting. The French were attacking furiously and Italy can defended with good defense. Anyway, the Azzuri can count themselves lucky to have won the game with the French attacking like that.
Now, for the people who are screaming "Italy is number 1" and etc. to my face I have a couple of things to say to you. 1) You guys were getting dominated. Yes, your defense is great, but it was unfortunate that the French couldn't score a goal. 2) Concerning the famous Zidane Header: Yes that was harsh, but Materazzi probably deserved it, because I'm sure he said something to piss off Zidane. Rumors have it that Materazzi called Zidane a terrorist. If so, Materazzi deserved it (I would of done the same).

I also find it appaling that Italy/Materazzi needs to resort to provoking a star player to win a championship. If thats the case, they should change the rules of football (soccer, I like to use the more logical, european term) to whoever makes the most outragous offensive comment to the other team wins. Well maybe throw in a clause where if they retaliate physically then they lose. I dunno, sad on Materazzi, and sorta sad on Italy in retrospect.

Despite all that I still admire Zidane (even though I was a little disappointed at first). Although a little hot headed, (I would of shoved the comment back in his face by winning the World Cup, were I Zidane,) he is still an awesome player (The world's best, imo). Hey, he may of been called a disgrace to french football children, but atleast he sticks up for himself. It was a professional match up to that point and Materazzi should of kept his offensive comments to himself. (Karma's a bitch Materazzi, you might end up getting bombed by terrorists...) I still have to praise Italy for winning the world cup, its no small feat.

Still Awesome

Today, our team hockey team, Tsunami, played the 49ers. Not bad, even though we end up losing, hopefully we'll do something about it as the season ends. I know its a rec league, but I'd still like to play competitively.

Went to Moose Factory (they have pretty waitresses) after for some team bonding. After drooling over the waitress, I managed to order a Peppercorn New York Steak. Tasty.

Gugenz gave me 4L of concentrated orange juice. Needless to say, I'll be drinking and pissing orange juice for the next few weeks (, when I get around to making it). Thanks Gugenz.

Also, thanks Chungers for introducing me to Ted Leo and the Pharmacists. Its an awesome band and an awesome CD. I especially like the track were they start having drug names as part of the lyrics (Ectosone, peroxatine...). Think it was called "Heart Problems".

"Whole lotta walking to do..."

Saturday, July 08, 2006

You Savvy? I Savvy!

Thursday was pretty much uneventful. Headed to Tmo's place with Dave, Mike and Chuck to do some...."chilling". (Won't call it what it was for fear of being cast into the catagory of uber-nerd.) Yah it was fun and great, in the end its all that matters. Parking downtown around Tmo's apartment is a bitch, since they're doing construction and restricting the use of roads. I'd like to say thanks to edmonton construction (...Jackasses).

Just went to a movie today (or technically yesterday), you may of heard of it, its called Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man's Chest. I liked the movie, thought it was great. Jack Sparrow (Captain Jack Sparrow I mean,) is always entertaining and Keira Knightly is always nice to look at (she can act well too).

Savvy! Savvy! Savvy!

I know some of my friends were complaining about it being a money maker and a total set-up to Pirates 3, but hey you know what, movies are suppose to be money makers, otherwise they wouldn't call it the movie business. Let's face it, the Pirates trilogy is looks to be better than the Matrix trilogy, and it is uncomparable to it because, whereas the Matrix trilogy was boring and unentertaining, other than the first installment, Pirates have two installments that are already more entertaining that the afore mentioned. Bets are that Pirates 3 will be better than Matrix 3. Let's stop bitching and say, if you were entertained by the movie, like I was, it was worth the money. If you really want to spite them for setting up the movie like that, wait for the movie to show up in the cheap theatres. I, however, plan to see pirates 3 opening day (If you really want, I'll give you a nice synopsis and save you the money of even attending the movie). Sure the movie might of dragged a bit long, but hey, more Jack Sparrow is not a bad thing. Sorry, that's my rant, maybe I like Captain Sparrow too much.

I've been following up on the recent Oiler off-season rumors. Although these are to be take with a grain of salt, I find these rumors nevertheless, entertainment. Apparently, Danny Markov could sign with the Oilers, and a possible deal maybe in the process to aquire either Havlat, Gomez or Sykora. Wouldn't that be something eh? Guess we'll have to see what happens. In the face of all this, I know Kevin Lowe will do whats in the best interests of the Oilers, and I hope that all Oiler fans are willing to wait till the season starts before even judging the moves that he makes.

Go KLowe! Go Oilers! (BTW good work calgary, you have 1 offensive line, congrats)